ModMenu Integration

Now, you've created your config screen, you may want to add it to ModMenu.

Adding ModMenu with Gradle

dependencies {
    modApi "com.terraformersmc:modmenu:ABC"

Replace ABC with the version of ModMenu desired, the versions of ModMenu can be found at Linkie Web.

Creating the ModMenu entrypoint

Create a class that is implementing ModMenuApi

public class ExampleModMenuIntegration implements ModMenuApi {

Override the config screen method to provide our screen.

public class ExampleModMenuIntegration implements ModMenuApi {
    public ConfigScreenFactory<?> getModConfigScreenFactory() {
        return parent -> {
            // Return the screen here with the one you created from Cloth Config Builder

Add your entrypoint to fabric.mod.json.

"entrypoints": {
    "modmenu": [

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